The Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire is commonly used to gauge the frequency and type of sexual fantasies.  In conjunction with expert advice, results help determine underlying thinking of people who are seeking therapeutic assistance. For some these are just harmless fantasies but others might or have caused harm to others.

Dr. Glenn Wilson, the creator of the Wilson Sex Questionnaire, was one of the most important pioneers of studying human sexuality and mating behavior research in the 1970s. Subsequently, Wilson designed this assessment tool for the purpose of providing evidence-based measures of peoples’ sexual fantasies.

The Wilson Sex Questionnaire contains 40 categories of fantasy divided into four subscales:


The Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire can be of great use for personal, couples, perpetrator and victim therapy. It is widely used across the world by professionals in this area including sex therapists, social workers, probation officers, victim therapists and psychologists. Much research on sex fantasies by academics is also focused on the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire.

The Questionnaire is available online or as a hard copy in pdf format. The online version provides graphical analysis of scores, comparison with others such as a partner, and expert system assessment.  Training assistance is offered here.

If you have data on the Wilson Sex Fantasy Questionnaire please share with the publisher to help us improve the test.


Important note: You can order this test only if you have professional qualifications and you may only use the test by following its terms and conditions.