Sensation Seeker (c) No duplication, copying or broadcasting
are impulsive and find new sensations so exciting that they
can’t wait to explore them straightaway. Sensation Seekers believe
in action and in trying out new ways of doing things at work. They
rapidly move on from one activity to the next and tend to be doing
several things all at the same time. They prefer to explore their
environment and like learning. They are ‘appetitive learners’ as
they have an active appetite for learning as much as they can and
as fast as they can. Sensation seekers are people who are prepared
to take risks and act on the spur of the moment so that they experience
learning opportunities. Low Sensation seekers are more cautious
and often plan life so that learning from trial and error is rarely
encountered. Low Sensation seekers are therefore meticulous in removing
the effects of risk, but in so doing they also remove new learning
Sensation seeking
is a biologically derived scale which represents the neuropsychological
basis of learning. High sensation seeking can lead to functional
or dysfunctional learning based on the amount that these impulses
are redirected by the four achievement learning styles which are
more conscious or cognitive in basis.
high Sensation seeker score suggests an approach oriented
or impulsive person who generates many learning opportunities. This
appetite for learning creates the opportunities for advancement
so long as the lessons are learnt well.
A low Sensation seeker score suggest a cautious person who tends
to have little appetite for generating new learning opportunities.
Without the desire to initiate, there can be few action-oriented
learning opportunities. Low Sensation seekers may have learnt lessons
well in the past so that they are now more cautious, but a low score
will still indicate someone who does not have an approach orientation
to learning.
Goal Oriented Achiever (c) No duplication, copying or broadcasting allowed
Oriented Achievers set hard and specific
goals and have the self-confidence (self-efficacy) to achieve them.
They understand that they can change the amount of resources which
they can allocate to a problem such that they put more effort into
learning by means of goal setting. It is through this focus of resources
that the goal oriented achiever achieves success. Low goal oriented
achievers tend not to set goals, tend to have low self-efficacy and
tend to feel that resources can not be increased in order to learn
about a difficult problem.. |
A high goal oriented achiever sets
hard specific goals and has high self-confidence about achieving them.
A low goal oriented achiever tends not to set goals and has low self-confidence. |
Emotionally Intelligent Achiever (c) No duplication, copying or broadcasting allowed
Intelligent Achievers are autonomous
and independent thinkers who develop a rational and logical basis
to learning. They are patient learners who learn best by understanding
the logic underlying the problem. They break the problem into constituent
parts, so that it can be understood from the scientific perspective.
Once a model of how things work has been developed, they are very
good at generalizing from one problem to another. This detached
approach tends to reject intuition, dependence upon others and subjectivity.
High Emotionally Intelligent Achievers are usually consistent and
unemotional in their approach, whereas low Emotionally Intelligent
Achievers are inclined to base decisions on chance or are dependent
on other people etc. In fact, it is the low Emotionally Intelligent
Achievers who are the quickest learners on this scale – the problem
is that they can learn the wrong things as a result of an avoidant
learning style.
A high Emotionally Intelligent Achiever
has a scientific, detached and autonomous learning style that
processes information in a non-emotional manner. In doing so, mistakes
are learnt from instead of avoided. This is an adaptive learning
style. Low Emotionally Intelligent Achievers tend to learn quickly,
but what they learn is to avoid activities that lead to mistakes
and therefore they do not learn how to overcome the mistake. There
tendency is to escape from the source of the ‘punishment.’ Such
people feel dependent on others and chance – they lack autonomy
and do not act on logical reasoning.
Conscientious Achiever (c) No duplication, copying or broadcasting allowed
Achievers are
responsible and wise people who learn best by collecting,
analyzing and reviewing information, before they act. They therefore
can gain insight into the experience enabling connections to be
made so that learning can progress in leaps and bounds. The end
result is conscientious activity. They prefer to learn through the
complex collation of information and data so that a thorough analysis
of the situation can be made, seemingly unconnected data can be
connected and mistakes can be avoided. They prefer to be objective,
broad minded and see a wider picture than just their own selfish
perspective. Learning is by insight and this is conscious and socially
A high Conscientious
Achiever score is a responsible and wise learner who uses complex
higher level learning derived from insight to understand difficult
to interpret information (such as to do with social rules, norms
and conventions).
A low scoring
Conscientious Achiever finds it hard to learn complex and fuzzy
Deep Learning Achiever (c) No duplication, copying or broadcasting allowed
Deep Learning
and think about the world that we live in. They like to know a lot
about subjects which they are interested in even if the subjects
have little practical relevance. Deep Learning Achievers love to
learn. They
are generally thoughtful people who enjoy knowledge and observing
how the world works. They will usually know a lot about their areas
of interest, because they learn well and absorb information quite
scorers put the plan into action by single-minded focus on the solution.
They identify the most expedient, sensible and practical solution,
which they then put into action. They are keen and enthusiastic
at implementation and are very practical people. As far as
they are concerned, they are implementing the optimal plan and others
should be grateful for it, even if it causes some disruption. They
learn best when they understand the practical value of something
so they are able to test out the theory or idea. They are down to
earth and like to get on with things, but may also be impatient
if others seemingly go off the point. They find it difficult to
learn if they do not see the point or purpose of something.
High Deep Learning Achievers learn a lot and know
a lot about things. This often indicates a non-focussed learner
who has a ‘love of learning.'
A low Deep Learning Achiever score indicates a practical
person who has a single-minded focus on completion. There may be
also a lack of knowledge which has enabled the focus to be achieved..