Intranet Swot

You will probably by now have tried our on-line SWOT Software and discovered just how functional and useful it is for brainstorming within your team.

Is this something that you would prefer to have on your secure intranet for your complete peace of mind? We offer licences for unlimited 'internal-to-your-organization' use. This means that you can use the software as much as you want within your organization but you must not offer it for use outside of your organization.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if we can provide any more information about this or if you want any further help and advice. We are good people to work with!

Please contact us through email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information, use the following links:


SWOT - Online Help

SWOT - Intranet

SWOT - Uses

SWOT - History

SWOT - Research

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