Our Products

Our complete range of products are listed below:

You will probably by now have tried our on-line SWOT Software and discovered just how functional and useful it is for brainstorming within your team.

Is this something that you would prefer to have on your secure intranet for your complete peace of mind? We offer licences for unlimited 'internal-to-your-organization' use. This means that you can use the software as much as you want within your organization but you must not offer it for use outside of your organization.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if we can provide any more information about this or if you want any further help and advice. We are good people to work with!

Please contact us through email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information, use the following links:


SWOT - Online Help

SWOT - Intranet

SWOT - Uses

SWOT - History

SWOT - Research

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Primary Contact

The person who is named as the ‘Company Coordinator / Primary Contact’ when a company initially registers to use the Cymeon SWOT Online application is known as the Primary Contact. Only Primary Contacts are permitted to create new SWOT analysis sessions. They have permission to access all company SWOT sessions.

Each time a Primary Contact logs into the Cymeon SWOT Online application, a check is made against the expiry date of his/her company’s account.  If the account has expired or has not yet been activated, the Primary Contact will be redirected to a screen from which online payments can be made.

If the Primary Contact does not wish to make a payment at this time he/she can still access the application in ‘test drive’ mode.

Test Drive Mode

In test drive mode, users are free to view previously created sessions but will be restricted to ‘read only’ access. Primary Contacts can however create new sessions while in test drive mode. For all these new sessions, the displayed results will contain a random error until payment is made. This feature allows users to begin work on a SWOT analysis even though they are not yet financial.

The SWOT Coordinator

For each SWOT session SWOT Coordinators may be appointed by the Primary Contact. Unlike the Primary Contact, SWOT Coordinators only have access to those company sessions to which they are specifically appointed. SWOT Coordinators have the power to include or exclude users and assign them to whatever role they choose.

The roles are SWOT Coordinator, Supervisory User, Regular User and Spectator. The functions are as follows:

  • A SWOT Coordinator can see all contributions and edit them all
  • A Supervisory User can see all contributions but only edit his/her own
  • A Regular User can only see and edit his/her own
  • A Spectator can see all contributions but cannot edit them.

Using the SWOT Analysis Worksheet and Control Panel


To create an issue, users simply enter an issue name, choose an issue type, choose a period, and set a rating for likelihood and impact.  Each issue should have a short description to explain its relevance.  When the create button is pressed the issue appears in the appropriate column of the worksheet situated below the control panel.

The contributor’s first initial and surname is attached to the entry.  If other users edit the entry their first initial and surname will be appended to the issue description.

Using the icons in the worksheet issues and/or sub-issues may be copied to create a new entry  or edited  to fine-tune a rating or shift an entry into a different time period.


Issues may be made up of several sub-issues. To create a sub-issue, users simply click on the magnifying glass icon in the issue display. 

A sub-issue screen will open. Issues that already have sub-issues attached have a green plus sign in the magnifying glass icon 

At the sub-issue screen enter a sub-issue name and set ratings for likelihood and impact.  Each sub-issue should have a short description to explain its relevance.  When the create button is pressed the sub-issue appears below the sub-issue control panel.

The contributor’s first initial and surname is attached to the entry.  If other users edit the entry their first initial and surname will be appended to the issue description.

The values of the likelihood and impact ratings are averaged to produce an importance rating for the issue.  This importance rating can then be saved for that issue. This will override the values previously entered for that issue.

Ignoring Issues/Sub-issues

Users can choose to ignore issues (use this icon  ) that they believe are not relevant without deleting them.(use this icon  ) An ignored issue is ‘greyed out’ and its values are not counted in the analysis or listed in the printout of issues. They are however shown in any worksheet print out. Any ignored issue/sub-issue can be reinstated by using the icon .


The results of the worksheet are plotted onto the analysis screen. The plotted positions are calculated from the sum of the importance values of the issues. In cases where the resultant coordinates lie outside the area provided, the graph is scaled down so that the plotted points fit on the screen. The scale that is being used is displayed at the bottom of the analysis window.

Locking a Session

When a SWOT Coordinator is satisfied with the contributions made to the SWOT Analysis, he/she can lock-off a session. When the ‘Lock Session’ icon  is clicked the user is given a choice in an alert message box. Choosing ‘OK’ will prevent other users accessing the session. Choosing ‘Cancel’ allow users to view but not edit the locked session. SWOT Coordinators and Primary Contacts can unlock a locked-off session at any time using the ‘Unlock Session’ icon .

For more information, use the following links:


SWOT - Online Help

SWOT - Intranet

SWOT - Uses

SWOT - History

SWOT - Research

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1. Is SWOT on-line available for intranet use?

Yes - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2. Do I lose all my work if our account in the online version gets out of date?

No - your account will remain intact for at least 6 months after an account gets out of date. When an account gets out of date, random errors are simply included in the data to prevent commercial use. When an account is then renewed, these random errors are removed.

3. How secure is our work?

Your work is very secure because all your data are encrypted.

4. Is SWOT available for windows?


For more information, use the following links:


SWOT - Online Help

SWOT - Intranet

SWOT - Uses

SWOT - History

SWOT - Research

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Articles by Professor Christopher Jackson        
   Books by Professor Christopher Jackson      

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  Manuals by Professor Christopher Jackson        


 Questionnaires by Professor Christopher Jackson        


  Media by Professor Christopher Jackson